The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (2025)

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (1)

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (2)

Nate Scott

January 16, 2021 8:18 pm ET

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It’s Saturday night and, if NFL playoff football isn’t your thing, you’re probably looking for a movie to check out. This month, Amazon has a TON of new movies available for its Prime members to stream for free.

They’re kicking off the new year right with a ton of new offerings, and we’ve got 56 of our favorites listed below.

Not a Prime member? You can sign up here.

You can also check out some of our other lists:

  • The 48 best movies streaming on Netflix (January 2021)
  • Our favorite shows to binge on Hulu
  • 26 great free video games to play while stuck at home

Alright, let’s get to our list:

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (3)

1. 28 DAYS LATER -- This raw zombie masterpiece imagines an abandoned London, and finds a chilly horror in its emptiness.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (4)

2. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER -- Harrison Ford gives an iconic performance as Jack Ryan in this spy thriller.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (5)

3. ALMOST FAMOUS -- Cameron Crowe's ode to rock n' roll still tugs at the heartstrings in all the right ways.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (6)

4. DEAD POETS SOCIETY -- This prep school ode to the power of poetry features one of the all-time great acting performances from Robin Williams.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (7)

5. THE FIRM -- Tom Cruise gets to object (and run around a bit!) in this adaptation of the John Grisham legal thriller, which holds up better than you'd expect.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (8)

6. LAST OF THE MOHICANS -- Daniel Day Lewis stars in this 90s blockbuster about a Native American tribe.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (9)

7. LOST IN TRANSLATION -- Sofia Coppola's masterpiece stars Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson as two lost souls in Japan.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (10)

8. CHARLIE WILSON'S WAR -- Tom Hanks and Philip Seymour Hoffman have a blast in this political dramedy, written by Aaron Sorkin.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (11)

9. MASTER AND COMMANDER -- I'm a sucker for a movie on the open seas. Forget sea shanties for a minute and get in on the real thing.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (12)

10. ERIN BROCKOVICH -- Julia Roberts stars as the legal aid who fought hard for those no one else would fight for.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (13)

11. THE TOWN -- Ben Affleck directs this Boston shoot-em-up heist film, which has a scene-stealing turn from Jeremy Renner as his best friend.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (14)

12. LOCK STOCK AND TWO SMOKING BARRELS -- Guy Ritchie's breakthrough film is an English gangster romp with an all-time great soundtrack.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (15)

13. BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN -- Ang Lee directs this film about forbidden love, starring Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhall.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (16)

14. THE TRUMAN SHOW -- Jim Carrey dazzles in this commentary on reality TV, but Ed Harris steals the show as the demented Christof.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (17)

15. MAJOR LEAGUE -- One of the great sports comedies ever made, and a must-watch for any baseball fan. (Well, those who can handle a lot of curse words.)

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (18)

16. BOURNE ULTIMATUM -- Another perfect movie in the Bourne franchise, starring Matt Damon.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (19)

17. CHINATOWN -- Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway star in this noir masterpiece; one of the great films ever made.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (20)

18. DONNIE BRASCO -- Al Pacino and Johnny Depp square off in this gangster flick.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (21)

19. FRIENDS WITH KIDS -- A loaded cast gets laughs and poignant moments as well, in this story about a group of friends struggling with adulthood.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (22)

20. THE LIGHTHOUSE -- Straight up one of the wildest movies I've ever seen. I don't even know how to describe this. Buckle up.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (23)

21. THE GOLDFINCH -- This adaptation of the Donna Tartt novel has some gorgeous set pieces.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (24)

22. THE FAREWELL -- Awkwafina stars in this movie about a family that travels home to say goodbye to a dying matriarch.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (25)

23. THE LOST CITY OF Z -- Charlie Hunnam stars in this period piece which has plenty of adventure and incredible scenery.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (26)

24. SUSPIRIA -- A modern update of one of the most upsetting horror films ever made, this one manages to be a bit more palatable.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (27)

25. THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS -- Wes Anderson's finest film, with a loaded cast and just enough emotional grounding for his style.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (28)

26. THE REPORT -- Adam Driver gives a committed performance in this film about a government investigation into war crimes.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (29)


The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (30)

28. ONE CHILD NATION -- A documentary tells a personal story about the unintended consequences of China's one-child policy.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (31)

29. THE VAST OF NIGHT -- This ultra low budget sci-fi film has a pure style and unexpectedly wonderful dialogue.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (32)

30. RAMBO: LAST BLOOD -- This ain't Shakespeare, but if you want to watch Sly Stallone blow stuff up, it's got that in spades.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (33)

31. TROOP ZERO -- Allison Janney stars in this charming little comedy about an off-kilter girl scout troop.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (34)

32. MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GHOST PROTOCOL -- Another perfect entry in one of the best action film series ever made.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (35)

33. SUPER SIZE ME -- This documentary quite fundamentally changed the way America consumed food.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (36)

34. MY SPY -- A surprisingly charming and witty little action comedy, with Dave Bautista.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (37)

35. GENERATION WEALTH -- One of the most grotesque documentaries you'll ever see, about a country obsessed with wealth.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (38)

36. THE HUSTLE -- This update on the Steve Martin classic DIRTY ROTTEN SCOUNDRELS has Rebel Wilson and Anne Hathaway having a blast as con artists.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (39)

37. LOGAN LUCKY -- A perfect heist film, with Channing Tatum, Adam Driver, and Daniel Craig having so much fun you get the sense he'd have done the movie for free.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (40)

38. LIGHT OF MY LIFE -- A chilling post-apocalyptic film starring Casey Affleck.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (41)

39. LATE NIGHT -- A quirky comedy about a late night host who's struggling to get her groove back and connect with a millenial audience.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (42)

40. LAST FLAG FLYING -- Three Vietnam veteran friends go on a road trip to lay one of their sons to rest.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (43)

41. KNIVES OUT -- Maybe my favorite whodunnit of the last decade, directed by Rian Johnson and again with Daniel Craig stealing every scene he's in.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (44)

42. I AM NOT YOUR NEGRO -- This documentary on James Baldwin eschews talking heads for the most part and lets the man tell his own story.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (45)

43. APOCALYPTO -- Mel Gibson directs this action thriller on the final days of a dying empire.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (46)

44. MID90S -- Jonah Hill directs this ode to growing up as a skater punk. The soundtrack is perfect and the performances find depth.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (47)

45. GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO -- The Swedish version may not have the style of David Fincher's film adaptation, but it features a breakthrough performance from Noomi Rapace.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (48)

46. CLUE -- One of the funniest and most quotable movies ever made, with Tim Curry in an iconic role.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (49)

47. CASINO ROYALE -- The film that relaunched the Bond franchise and made Daniel Craig a star.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (50)

48. MANCHESTER BY THE SEA -- This movie will leave you in a puddle of tears. It's brilliant and heartbreaking and it will wreck you.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (51)

49. BRITTANY RUNS A MARATHON -- A charming little comedy about a young woman who can't seem to get her life together until she takes up running.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (52)

50. HOTEL ARTEMIS -- This film borrows pretty heavily from the JOHN WICK universe, but that's an awesome thing to borrow from!

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (53)

51. ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ -- Clint Eastwood grimaces through this classic escape flick.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (54)

52. FIGHTING WITH MY FAMILY -- A surprisingly wonderful and funny look at the world of professional wrestling, through the eyes of an English family.

52. MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: FALLOUT -- This series doesn't miss. They're all amazing.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (55)

53. 7500 -- Joseph Gordon-Levitt stars as a pilot in a plane taken over by hijackers in this thriller.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (56)

54. THE BIG SICK -- A perfect little romantic comedy that takes place almost entirely inside a hospital. Who knew?

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (57)

55. HONEY BOY -- Shia LaBeouf gives an incredible performance as, more or less, his dad, in this partly autobiographical film.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (58)

56. A SIMPLE FAVOR -- This hilarious thriller has a preposterous plot, but director Paul Feig and stars Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick seem to understand how preposterous it is, and have a blast with it.

The 56 best movies streaming free for Amazon Prime members (January 2021) (2025)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.