Classification scheme:
Hist.Mss. 9.27
These recordings come from a wide variety of sources.
Recordings marked with an asterisk have been copied to CD in a wav file format.
- Inter-Mennonite Conference (Ontario)
Annual session, February 14, 1981 (3 tapes) - Seven minutes to midnight: A symposium on disarmament, Oct. 30-Nov. 2, 1980
- Panel -- John Gelner, Ashop Kapur, George Ignatieff, Alan Newcombe, Roy Menzies
- Continued: Workshop, Gene Keyes, "Alternatives to armed defence"
- Gene Keyes, "Civilian defence": Arthur Menzies, Luncheon address
- Arthur Menzies, cont. ; Ernie Regehr, "Canadian-U.S. defense relations"
- Mark MacGuigan address
- Richard Barnet, "Stauffer lecture"
- Breakfast meeting, Nov. 1, 1980
- Conrad Brunk, "Militarism, Pacifism and the Just War"
- John Rempel, "Militarism, the middle class and the Kingdom of God"
- Stirling Ave. Mennonite Church anniversary and interview material
- *Side 1: Maurice Plummer interviewing U.K. Weber and Eugene Langs, Dec. 18, 1955
*Side 2: U.K. Weber, preaching, Aug. 14, 1955 - Program honoring church custodians, Jan. 24, 1965
- Side 1: 25th anniversary celebration, Andrew Shelly in charge, April 1950
Side 2: Andrew Shelly preaching, June 6, 1964 - 40th anniversary celebration, June 6, 1964 (a.m.)
- 40th anniversary celebration, June 6, 1964 (p.m..)
- Side 1: Interviews with persons age 70+, 1956
Side 2: 25th anniversary sermon by John E. Hartzler, April, 1950 - 50th anniversary service, Oct. 13, 1974
- 50th anniversary service, Oct. 20, 1974
- 50th anniversary service, Oct. 27, 1974
- 50th anniversary service, Oct. 27, cont.
- *Side 1: Maurice Plummer interviewing U.K. Weber and Eugene Langs, Dec. 18, 1955
- Conrad Grebel College Stauffer Lecture
- Robert Kreider, "Parochial reflections and universal questions" Nov. 12, 1982
- Rudy Wiebe, January, 1982
- R. Murray Schafer, "Canadian culture: colonial culture" (Cassette and reel-to-reel) Transcript also available
- Mennonite Church General Assembly, Aug. 11-16, 1981 (Bowling Green '81)
- Glendon Blosser, "Moderators message"
- Warner Jackson, "Hope anticipated"
- Martha Smith Good, "Hope revealed"
- James M. Lapp, "Hope lived in community"
- J.C. Wenger, "Hope fulfilled"
- "Celebrating our hope" - Sunday a.m. worship
- Don & Anna Ruth Jacobs, "Bible Study -- I Thessalonians"
- Cont.
- Tony Campolo, "Youth night"
- Don & Anna Ruth Jacobs, "Sunday Bible study"
- Elizabeth Wenger, talk about her art at Rockway Mennonite Church, October 31, 1997 (See also her collection atHist.Mss.1.97)
- House of Friendship (Kitchener) -- Discussion of Christian social ministry in a poverty setting by Martin Buhr and Helen Epp, 197?.
- South Cayuga Mennonite Church, May 23, 1982
- Side 1:Ceremony at unveiling of historical marker
- Side 2: Words on the memorial, plus further comments
- Mennonite World Conference (11th : 1984 : Strasbourg)
Sermon by Ron Sider; story by June Yoder (This is Sider's sermon that led to the formation of Christian Peacemaker Teams). - 90 min. - Mennonite Conference of Ontario and Quebec, "Praise and Celebration" at the ending of the Mennonite Conference of Ontario and Quebec, Nov. 1, 1987 held at St. Jacobs Mennonite Church. (2 tapes)
- Unused
- Unused
- Unused
- Conversations on Faith II, Laurelville Mennonite Centre, March 7-9, 1985
- Marlene Kropf & Ed Stoltzfus, "Case Study 1: The early church"
- Reflections; Guy F. Hershberger, "Continuity and change"
- Continued; responses
- Panel: Sue C. Steiner, Herman Reitz, Paul M. Zehr, "New Testament view"
- Tom Meyers, "Case Study 2: Sanctuary for Central American refugees"
- J. & S. Lehman, Ray Gingerich, "Case Study 3: Conscientious objection to military taxes"
- Hubert Schwartzentruber, "Reflections"; panel discussion
- Unused
- Sixty years of Vision and Ministry celebrations, 1984 (Early missionaries from Western Ontario Mennonite Conf.)
- Interview, Ada Litwiller by Shari Miller, Dec. 14, 1983
- Interview, Nelson Litwiller by Shari Miller, Dec. 15, 1983
- Interview, Nelson & Ada Litwiller by Shari Miller, Dec. 16, 1983
- Celebration of 60 years, Evening I service
- Celebration of 60 years, Sunday afternoon, April 8, 1984
- Interview, Elmer & Mattie Schwartzentruber by Lorraine Roth, February, 1984
- Interview, Ed Kauffman by Ross Steckley, May 10, 1984 in Shantz Mennonite Church office
- Peacemaking in Central America, Nov. 9-10, 1984
- Julio Quan, "The roots of conflict in Central America"
- Julio Quan, "Reconciliation attempts in Central America"
- John Foster, "Canada-Central America relations" (Proceedings and program materials atHist.Mss.14.10.24)
- "Holy Now" produced by Office for Youth Ministry, Scottdale, Pa.) (reel-to-reel)
- Fellowship of Concerned Mennonites, Berea, Ohio, 1984
- Sanford Shetler, "Why are we here?"; J. Otis Yoder, "Where are we on Biblical inerrancy?"
- James Hess, "Other denominations' response to issues"; Sanford Shetler, "Mennonite response to critical issues"
- George R. Brunk II, "Where do we go from here?"; Discussion
- Discussion
- Images of Imperial Russia, May 9-10, 1984 (Conrad Grebel College)
- James Urry, "Through the eye of a needle: wealth and the Mennonite experience in Russia"
- Len Friesen, "Mennonite response to the 1905 revolution: analysis of the Mennonite press"
- Harvey Dyck, "Images of Mennonites by the external world: German, Russian, Nationalist and Marxist views"
- Lawrence Klippenstein, "Mennonite pacifism in Russia: a case study in church-state relations"
- Conversations on Faith, Laurelville Mennonite Center, Feb. 27-29, 1984
- John & Naomi Lederach, "Opening worship"; A.J. Metzler, "Evangelism and social action"
- John Drescher, "Calling the church to fellowship & unity in Christ"
- John E. Lapp, "Theological influences in the church"; Helen Alderfer, "The Wholeness of salvation"
- Ed Stoltzfus, J.C. Wenger, "Theological influences in the church"; Beulah Hostetler, "Theological influences in the church"
- Paul Lederach, Tom Finger, George R. Brunk II, "The Wholeness of salvation"; George R. Brunk II, Elmer Jantzi, Don Blosser, "The wholeness of salvation"
- Ruth Brunk Stoltzfus, "The church's peace emphasis"; John R. Mumaw, "The use of Biblical criticism"
- James Hess, Freeman Miller, James Longacre, "The church's peace emphasis"; Urbane Peachey, Janet Reedy, "The church's peace emphasis"
- J. Otis Yoder, Dorothy Yoder Nyce, Willard Mayer, "The use of Biblical criticism"; Paul M. Zehr, Willard Swartley, "The use of Biblical criticism"
- Calvin Shenk, Don Jacobs, Ray Gingerich, "Evangelism and social action"; Marie Moyer, Raymond Jackson, "Evangelism and social action"
- Myron Augsburger, "Calling the church to its mission"
- Interview, Abe Wiebe by J. Winfield Fretz, Sept. 14, 1977 (See transcriptHist.Mss. 1.92)*
- Chapel Service, Society of Brothers at Bluffton College, 1974/75
- Cassel Mennonite Church interviews
- Orie Bender and Ross Bender by Leona Bender, 1985
- Reflections on the history by Leona Bender, Joe and Emma Yantzi, Aaron and Fanny Yantzi, Selma Brenneman, Barbara Leis, Violetta Borntrager, Katie Brenneman, Katie B. and Melinda Roth, Debbie Bender, Omar and Oleva Schlegel, Amos and Lizzie Zehr, Ezra and Violet Schlegel, 1985
- Slide sets -- Accompanying tapes
- Pioneering urban mission in Ontario (Slides atHist.Mss.10.5)
- Mission stories from rural Ontario (Slides atHist.Mss. 10.6)
- Bridges of faith in Quebec (Slides atHist.Mss. 10.7)
- Unused
- Stirling Ave. Mennonite Church 60th anniversary interviews by Doug Millar, July, 1984
- Interview, Beulah Moss
- Interview, Gertrude Culp and Erma Bingeman*
- Interview, Alice Bachert and Ruby Weber
- Interview, Florence Becker and Stella Brubacher
- Interview, Eileen Kinzie and Howard Weber
- Interview, Howard Weber, cont. and Helen Shantz
- Interview, Salome Habermael and Vernon Woolner
- Funeral service for Elven Shantz at Stirling Ave. Mennonite Church, Sept. 17, 1984 (2 tapes)
- Stirling Ave. Mennonite Church 60th anniversary celebrations, Oct. 14 & 21, 1984 (3 tapes)
- Inter-Mennonite Conference (Ontario) annual meeting
- Annual meeting, Feb. 18, 1984, Listowel Mennonite Church (four tapes; #1 is missing)
- Annual meeting, Feb. 16, 1985, Valleyview Mennonite Church (four tapes)
- Annual meeting, March. 14-16, 1986, First Baptist Church (5 tapes)(Inter-Mennonite portions only)
- Annual meeting, March 13-15, 1987, Bingeman Park, Kitchener (6 tapes)(Inter-Mennonite portions only)
- Mennonite Bicentennial Worship services, Sunday, July 6, 1986, Kitchener Memorial Auditorium
- Choir practice
- Side 1: Beginning of morning service (9:30); Side 2: Beginning of Litany (10:20)
- Side 1: Mid-sermon (11:00); Beginning afternoon service (2:00 pm)
- Mid-service (2:30); mid-service (3:15)
- Conclusion of service (side 1 only)
- Unused
- Unused
- Unused
- Gayle Gerber Koontz lectures, Conrad Grebel College, September 27-29, 1985
- "Men, women and the Word of God"
- "Men and women as strangers: the Bible as a mirror"
- "Different sins: women, men and the meaning of conversion"
- Unused
- Unused
- Inter-Mennonite Conference (Ontario) delegate meeting, Oct. 31, 1987, St. Catharines, Ont. (4 tapes)
- Western Ontario Mennonite Conference commemoration service, Nov. 8, 1987 (East Zorra Mennonite Church) (2 tapes marking the end of the conference prior to integration into the Mennonite Conference of Eastern Canada)
- Western Ontario Mennonite Conference Mission Board meeting, 1983
- George R. Brunk II Revival tapes
- "Noah and the Ark," 24 July 1952, Canada
- "Heaven," 30 July 1952, Canada
- "The revival we need," 5 July 1952, Canada
- "Four classes of people," 6 July 1952, Canada(probably Lawrence Brunk preaching)
- "Love is," 3 June 1979, Wellesley, Ontario
- "A message to the church," 4 June 1979, Wellesley, Ontario
- "The glory of God in revival," 5 June 1979, Wellesley, Ont.
- "To the praise of His glory," 6 June 1979, Wellesley, Ont.
- "The whole gospel for the whole man," 7 June 1979, Wellesley, Ont.
- "Baptism and the filling of the Holy Spirit," 8 June 1979, Wellesley, Ont.
- "Make up your mind," Youth night 9 June 1979, Wellesley, Ont.
- "The way of salvation made plain," 10 June 1979, Wellesley, Ont.
- "The cost of discipleship," 10 June 1979, Wellesley, Ont.
- "Jesus, the Lamb of God," 12 June 1979, Wellesley, Ont.
- "If the Son shall make you free," 4 July 1953, Kulpsville, PA
- "The glory of God the Father," 13 June 1979, Wellesley, Ont.
- "Family message," 14 June 1979, Wellesley, Ont.
- "The outward journey," 15 June 1979, Wellesley, Ont.
- "If I had my life to live over," 16 June 1979, Wellesley, Ont.
- "Three appearances of Jesus," 17 June 1979, Wellesley, Ont.
- "Happiness in heaven," 17 June 1979, Wellesley, Ont.
- "Heaven," 1957 Canada
- "The Home," 1957 Canada
- "Christian assurance," 1957 Canada
- "Young man arise - Luke 7:14," 1957 Canada
- "What is a Christian?" 1957 Canada
- "Pure religion James 1:27," 1957 Canada
- "Cost and meaning of discipleship," 1957 Canada
- "God's barriers to Hell," 1957 Canada
- "The next in the drama of Diety," 1957 Canada
- "How may I know I have the Holy Spirit," 1957 Canada
- "Ministries of the Holy Spirit," 1957 Canada
- "God hath appointed a day," 1957 Canada
- "The first 'come' in the Bible," 1957 Canada
- "God's invitation to man," 1957 Canada
- First Mennonite Church(Vineland) Interviews by Laureen Harder, 2000-2001 (some interviews were not available on tape)
- Erla Culp and Jean Culp, 21 August 2000
- James Culp, Mike Culp, Liz High, Dean High, Ralph Culp, Carolyn (Culp) Hay, 22 August 2000
- Walter and Elaine Fretz, 23 August 2000
- Mimi Neufeld, 23 August 2000
- Hedy Sawadsky, 9 September 2000
- Tom and Maryanne Neufeld, Eugene and Carol Penner, 29 October 2000
- Clara High & Mildred Nigh
- Rhea Young, 9 April 2001
- Unused
- Unused
- Conrad Grebel College 25th anniversary celebrations
- Misc. addresses, Nov. 15, 17, 1988 (2 tapes)
- Chapel service, Nov. 17, 1988
- Interview, J. Winfield Fretz, Nov. 15, 1988
- Conrad Grebel College Chapel Lessons and Carols service, Dec. 3, 1986
Walter Klaassen, preaching - Mennonite Church General Assembly, Normal Illinois, 1989
- George R. Brunk III, "Exclusiveness of Jesus Christ"
- John E. Toews, "Christ, the convenor of the church"
- Peter Janzen, "The merger of three conferences"
- Hubert Brown, "Blessed are the merciful"; "Rich man Lazarus"
- Harry Huebner, "Christology, discipleship and ethics"
- Don Jacobs, "The Lamb will lead them"
- Leonard Enns, "Alleluia-Now thank we all our God"; Carol Ann Weaver, "Spirit Dance"
- Ralph Lebold and Florence Driedger, "Opening address"
- Bechtel Lectures in Anabaptist Mennonite Studies (2001)
"Russian Mennonite Encounter with the Soviet State, 1917-1955" by Terry Martin- "Revolution and the Search for Accommodation, 1917-1926"
- "Collectivization, Famine and Terror, 1926-1934"
- "Terror, Forced Labor, and Internal Exile, 1935-1955"
- Bechtel Lectures in Anabaptist Mennonite Studies (2003)
"Possessing Land" by Rudy Wiebe (these lectures may not be copied or republished in any form, and are only available for listening at the Archives)- "The Fiction of Ownership"
- "The Fiction of Ownership" cont, with Q & A
- "Mennonite Land Fictions"
- "Mennonite Land Fictions" Q & A
- Bechtel Lectures in Anabaptist Mennonite Studies (2002)(These lectures are published in the Fall 2002 issue ofConrad Grebel Review)
"Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Political Theology" by Stanley Hauerwas- "Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Political Theology," March 14, 2002
- "Bonhoeffer on Truth and Politics," March 15, 2002
- Faculty Forum with Stanley Hauerwas, March 15, 2002
- Conrad Grebel College Choral and Recital Tapes
1. Choral Fantasy, 5 December 1981
2. Spring Airs 1982 (Music 151G)
3 .David Keane Lecture/Recital, 1982
4. Choral Concert, December 1982 / William Janzen, Director
5. UW Concert Band, 12 March 1983
6.University Choir, March 1983
7.Instrumental Chamber Ensemble 29 October 1986 / Victor Sawa, Director
8.Student Recitals, 5 November 1986
9.Student Recitals, 12 November 1986
10.Noon Hour Concert, Sonatas for Cello and Piano Plaunt & Wick, 19 November 1986
11.UW Band Concert, 28 November 1986 / George Holmes, Michael Wood directors
12.Student recitals, 20 March 1987
13.Student recitals, 25 March 1987
14.UW Band/Stage Band concert, 27 March 1987 / Holmes and Wood, Directors
15.Graduation Recital, Donna McLellan, Clarinet, 28 March 1987
16. University Choir/Chamber Choir, 28 March 1987 / Harris Loewen, Wilbur Maust, Directors
17.University Choir, 28 July 1987 / Harris Loewen, Conductor; Margaret Elligsen, Doug Haas, Soloists
18.Chamber Choir/University Choir, 14 November 1987 / Wilbur Maust, Robert Shantz, Directors
19.Student Recitals, 2 December 1987
20.Concert Band/Stage Band, 5 December 1987 / George Holmes, Michael Wood, Directors
21.Concert Band/Stage Band, 26 March 1988 / George Holmes, Michael Wood, Directors
22.Chamber Choir/University Choir 27 March 1988 Wilbur Maust/Robert Shantz
23.UW Orchestra, 31 March 1988 / Victor Sawa, Director
24.University Choir, 19 July 1988 / Robert Shantz, Director
25.Chamber Choir/University Choir, 3 December 1988 / Wilbur Maust/Robert Shantz Directors
26. Student Recitals, 8 March 1989
27.Student Recitals, 13 March 1989
28.Chamber Choir/University Choir, 17 March 1989 / Wilbur Maust / Robert Shantz, Directors
29.Concert Band/Stage Band, 31 March 1989 / George Holmes, Michael Wood, Directors
30.University Choir, 15 July 1989, Robert Shantz, Director
31. Student Recitals, 15 November 1989
32. Student Recitals, 16 November 1989
33.Student Recitals, 23 November 1989
34.UW Band/Concert Band 24 November 1989, Karen Tomlin/Michael Wood (2 tapes)
35. UW Orchestra Concert, 1 December 1989, William Janzen
36.Chamber Choir/University Choir, 2 December 1989, Wilbur Maust/Robert Shantz
37.Chamber Choir, 23 March 1990, Wilbur Maust
38. University Choir, 24 March 1990, Messiah, Robert Shantz (Two tapes)
39. Concert Band/Stage Band, 30 March 1990,
40. Concert Band, 23 November 1990, Karen Tomlin
41. Stage Band, 23 November 1990, Michael Wood
42. Chamber Choir, 25 November 1990, Wilbur Maust
43. University Choir, 21 July 1990, Robert Shantz
44. CGC Choirs, 17 March 1991, Leonard Enns/Kenneth Hull
45. University Choir & Orchestra, 23 March 1991, Robert L. Shantz
46. Stage & Concert Band, 28 March 1991
47.University Choir, July 1991, Robert L. Shantz
48. Chamber & Chapel Choirs, 17 November 1991
49. University Choir & Orchestra, 22 November 1991, Robert L. Shantz
50. UW Band Concert, 30 November 1991 (2 tapes)
51. CGC Choir Concert, "Samson," 21 March 1992 (2 tapes)
52. Chamber & Chapel Choir, 22 March 1992 (2 tapes)
53. Concert Band, 27 March 1992
54. University Choir, 25 July 1992
55.University Choir Concert, 28 November 1992, Robert L. Shantz
56. Stage Band, 20 November 1992, Michael Wood (2 tapes)
57.Choral Concert, 29 November 1992, Wilbur Maust
58. Chamber Choir, 21 March 1993, Wilbur Maust
59.University Choir, 27 March 1993, "Saint Paul", Robert L. Shantz
60.University Choir, 24 July 1993, Stephanie Martin
61.Stage Band, 19 November 1993
62.University Choir, 23 July 1994, John Tute (2 tapes)
63.Chamber Choir, 21 November 1993, Wilbur Maust
64. Haydn: Missa Sancti Nicolai and Britten: Saint Nicolas / University of Waterloo Choir; director, John Tute. – 27 Nov 1993. – 2 audio cassettes (1 hr., 30 min.) : chrome dioxide. – program included
65.Philip Thomson, Piano, n.d.
66.Chamber Choir, 26 March 1994, Wilbur Maust
67. University Choir, 27 March 1994
68. University Choir, 27 November 1994, John Tute
69. University Choir, 22 July 1995
70. Chamber Choir, 28 November 1995, Ken Hull
71. University Choir, 20 July 1996, John Tute*
72. University Choir, 5 April 1997, John Tute *
73. University of Waterloo Choir and Waterloo Chamber Players Concert / University of Waterloo Choir and Waterloo Chamber Players ; director, John Tute. – 18 Mar 1995. – audio cassette (1 hr., 30 min.).74. J.S. Bach: Christmas Oratorio / University of Waterloo Choir ; director, R. Shantz. – Dec 1990. – audio cassette (1 hr., 30 min.).
75. Chamber Choir and Chapel Choir, 29 Nov 2014, Gloria Deo!, Ken Hull
76. Chamber Choir, 28 Mar 1999, Mater Dei, Richard Cunningham
77. University Choir, 29 Jul 1999, Voices of Our Time, Marta McCarthy
78. University Choir, 1 Apr 2000, Serenade to Music, Mark Vuorinen
79. Chamber Choir, 2 Apr 2000, Singing and Dancing, Richard Cunningham
80. University Choir, 27 Jul 2000, Sing Me to Heaven, Marta McCarthy
81. Chamber Choir, 3 Dec 2000, Tidings of Comfort and Joy, Richard Cunningham
82. University Choir, Spring 2001, Music from Stage and Screen, Gordon Burnett
83. University Choir, 24 Mar 2002, Made in Canada, Gordon Burnett
84. Chamber Choir, 24 Mar 2002, Requiem, Richard Cunningham
85. University Choir, 21 Jul 2002, Music of the Americas, Gordon Burnett
86. University Choir, 29 Mar 2003, Laudate Dominum, Gordon Burnett
87. University Choir, 20 Jul 2003, An Elizabethan Summer, Gordon Burnett
88. Chamber Choir, 5 Dec 2004, Great Choruses of Christmas, Richard Cunningham
88. University Choir, 26 Nov 2005, Magnificat (J.S. Bach); Gloria (A. Vivaldi), Gordon Burnett
90. University Choir, 25 Mar 2006, Faure, Britten, Vaughan Williams, Gordon Burnett
91. University Choir, 19 Jul 2006, Earth and Air, Fire and Water, Gordon Burnett
92. University Choir, 25 Jul 2007, The Creation, Gordon Burnett
93. University Choir, 22 Nov 2008, Gloria, Gordon Burnett
94. Chamber Choir, 29 Nov 2008, It Can't Be Christmas Yet, Richard Cunningham
95. University Choir, 27 Mar 2009, Voice of Light, Gordon Burnett
96. University Choir, 15 Jul 2009, Celebrate the Season, Gordon Burnett
97. University Choir, 28 Nov 2009, Remembrance Peace Joy, Nancy Kidd
98. University Choir, 21 Jul 2012, Soundscapes and Improvisation, Gerard Yun
99. Chamber Choir, 3 Dec 2010, Old and Water, Leonard Enns
100. University Choir, 20 Jul 2011, Just Breathe, Gerard Yun
101. Chamber Choir, 3 Dec 2011, Masterpieces, Leonard Enns
102. University Choir, 3 Dec 2011, Messiah, Gerard Yun
103. Chamber Choir, 20 Mar 2012, Love of My Soul, Leonard Enns
104. University Choir, 31 Mar 2012, Canticum Orationem, Gerard Yun
105. University Choir, 24 Nov 2012, Ein Deutsches Requiem (Brahms), Gerard Yun
106. University Choir, 27 Jul 2013, Spiritual!, Gerard Yun
107. Chapel Choir and Chamber Choir, 30 Nov 2013, A Celebration in Song, Mark Vuorinen
108. University Choir, 26 Jul 2014, Beautiful, Gerard Yun
109. University Choir, 28 Mar 2015, Choral Divas, Gerard Yun
110. University Choir, 18 Jul 2015, Bluegrass and Beyond, Gerard Yun
111. Chamber Choir, 22 Nov 2015, Modern and Medieval: music of Arvo Pärt and others, Mark Vuorinen
112. University Choir, 28 Nov 2015, Inspiration and Peace, Gerard Yun
113. University Choir, 2 Dec 2007, Requiem (Mozart), Gordon Burnett
114. University Choir, 16 Jul 2010, Dreamscapes, Lullabies and Love Songs, Gerard Yun
115. Chamber Choir, 5 Apr 2013, Songs for This Day, Leonard Enns
116. University Choir, 6 Apr 2013, Bach to Bernstein, Gerard Yun
117. Chamber Choir, 4 Apr 2014, Earth Teach Me, Leonard Enns
118. University Choir, 5 Apr 2014, Carmina Burana, Gerard Yun
119. University Choir, 2 Apr 2016, Reaching Out, Gerard Yun
120. Chamber Choir, 24 Apr 2016, A New Song, Mark Vuorinen
121. Chamber Choir, 3 Apr 2016, Chiaroscuro: Contrasts in Light and Dark, Mark Vuorinen
122. University Choir, 16 Jul 2016, Songs of Peace and Joy, Gerard Yun
123. Chamber Choir, 26 Nov 2016, Maiden, Mystics, Myths and Memories, Mark Vuorinen
124. University Choir, 3 Dec 2016, Classical Roots, Gerard Yun
125. Chamber Choir, 25 Mar 2017, 150 eh!: Celebrating Canada and its Composers, Leonard Enns
126. University Choir, 1 Apr 2017, Shadows and Light, Gerard Yun
127. University Choir, 15 Jul 2017, Island Music, Gerard Yun
128. University Choir, 28 Nov 2017, Festival of Lights, Gerard Yun
129. Chamber Choir, 1 Dec 2017, Rejoice in the Lamb, Mark Vuorinen
130. University Choir, 24 Mar 2018, Gloria! Music of Joy, Gerard Yun
131. University Choir, 14 Jul 2018, The Promise of Living, Liska Jetchick
132. University Choir, 24 Nov 2018, Musick's Empire, Liska Jetchick
133. University Choir, 23 Mar 2019, Connected and Human, Liska Jetchick
134. Chamber Choir, 24 Mar 2019, My Spirit Sang All Day, Mark Vuorinen
135. University Choir, 20 Jul 2019, Voicescapes, Liska Jetchick
136. orchestra@uwaterloo, 30 Nov 2017, Dancing with Dvorák, Daniel Warren
137. orchestra@uwaterloo, 29 Mar 2018, Unfinished Business, Daniel Warren
138. orchestra@uwaterloo, 19 Jul 2018, Beautiful Wanderings, Daniel Warren
139. orchestra@uwaterloo, 29 Nov 2018, Telling the Story, Daniel Warren
140. orchestra@uwaterloo, 4 Apr 2019, Deutsch-osterreich meisterwerke: "Great music from the land of chocolate," Daniel Warren
141. orchestra@uwaterloo, 25 Jul 2019, Fairytales and Legends, Daniel Warren
142. Balinese Gamelan, 1 Apr 2016, Shimmers of Bronze, Dewa Made Suparta
143. Balinese Gamelan, 25 Nov 2016, Gong, Dewa Made Suparta
144. Balinese Gamelan, 8 Jul 2017, Spring Concert in Victoria Park, Dewa Made Suparta
145. Balinese Gamelan, 23 Nov 2018, Fall concert, Dewa Made Suparta
146. Balinese Gamelan, 29 Mar 2017, Taste of Bali: An Evening of Orchestra Music from Indonesia, Dewa Made Suparta
147. University Choir, Chapel Choir, Chamber Choir, 23 Nov 2019, Voices Around Us, Liska Jetchick, Katherine Steiner, Mark Vuorinen (Chamber)
148. orchestra@uwaterloo, 21 Nov 2019, Frncy a Cuppa? Music from the Glorious Isles, Daniel Warren
79. Conrad Grebel University College 40th Anniversary Worship Service, Sunday afternoon, August 24, 2003, includes alumni Chapel Choir, conducted by Leonard Enns, presentation by Walter Klaassen, and historical reflections by Marlene Epp (2 tapes)
80. Conrad Grebel College Convocation Service, 8 April 2001
81. Conrad Grebel University College Eby Lectures
"Toward a Biblical Theology of Leadership Affirmation: Rethinking Ordination" / John E. Toews 7 November 2003
82. Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario fall meeting, November 6, 1999 (75th anniversary of Mennonites from Russia arriving in Waterloo County, Ontario)(2 tapes)
83. Interview, Dorothy Swartzentruber Sauder by Linda Huebert Hecht, Jan. 25, 2001
84. Interview, Greta Hunsberger by Brent Bauman, Oct. 27, 1999 (re: coming of Russian Mennonites in 1924)
85. Bechtel Lectures in Anabaptist Mennonite Studies (2004)
"Life and Witness within the Global Mennonite World Conference Community" by Nancy Heisey: "Shaping and Being Shaped: Anabaptist Identity(ies) Past and Present," Mar. 4, 2004; "Martyrdom as Metaphor: Aspects of Global Anabaptist Witness," Mar. 5, 2004
86. Bechtel Lectures in Anabaptist Mennonite Studies (2005)"Mennonites: a Peace Church in Conversation" by Fernando Enns: "The Peace Church: Dialogue and Diversity in the Ecumenical Movement," Mar. 16, 2005; "The Peace Church: Identity and Tolerance in a Pluralist Society," Mar. 17, 2005
87. Russian Mennonite Memorial Garden ceremony, Oct. 17, 2004
88. Bechtel Lectures in Anabaptist Mennonite Studies (2006)
"Time and Memory: secular and sacred aspects of the world of the Russian Mennonites and their descendants" by James Urry: "Time: the Transcendent and the Worldly," Mar. 9, 2006; "Memory: Monuments and the Marking of Pasts," Mar. 10, 2006
89. Bechtel Lectures in Anabaptist Mennonite Studies (2007)
"The Confession of a Reluctant Mennonite" by Sandra Birdsell: "Writing from the Outside," Mar. 15, 2007[Not recorded]; "From the Inside Out," Mar. 16, 2007
90. Rodney and Lorna Sawatsky Visiting Scholar Lecture (2005)"Responding to the Tsunami and Civil War Crises" by Ronald J. R. Mathies, Dec. 7, 2005
91. Benjamin Eby Lecture (2006)
"Law as a Sword, Law as a Shield" by Lowell Ewert, Nov. 23, 2006
92. Conrad Grebel University College, Governors Circle Reception, Oct. 22, 2005 with Henry Paetkau, David Johnston, Peter Harder, etc. speaking
93. Conrad Grebel College, George R. Brunk II public forums, April 19-20, 2000.
94. Conrad Grebel College, Abuna Elias Chacour presentation, June 1, 2005. Henry Paetkau, Glen Witmer, Father Elias Chacour speaking
95. Conrad Grebel University College. Book launch forHard Passage: a Mennonite Family's Long Journey from Russia to Canadaby Arthur Kroeger. Includes presentation by Kroeger and question-and-answer period, 15 May 2007. Introductions are by Henry Paetkau and Marlene Epp.
96. Interview of Violet Burkholder and Lewis H. Reesor by Len Friesen on 12 August 1992
97. Interview of Walter Burkholder by Len Friesen on 25 May 1992
98. Interview of Amos and Ada (Barkey) Reesor by Len Friesen on 13 August 1992
99. Interview with Paul and Eva (Reesor) Burkholder by Len Friesen on 12 and 14 August 1992
100. World Missions Broadcast : London Rescue Mission official opening, 23 September 1961, London, Ont., 1 audio reel (29 min.)
101. Peter Dyck at Parkview Village. --20 Sept 1994, Stouffville, Ont. -- 1 audio cassette ( min) : Maxell UR Position IEC Type I Normal. --Donated by Ruth Fockler in 2010. Tape formerly resided in the Wideman Mennonite Church library. --A digital copy of this recording was made by the Archives in 2010. Use digital copy for reference.
102. Ontario Women's Missionary and Service Commission fall meeting. --9 Nov 1991, Breslau, Ont. -- 3 audio cassettes.
103. John Howard Yoder visit to Conrad Grebel College and Toronto Mennonite Theological Centre, 1997. - 5 audio cassettes.
1. Lecture on Tolstoy in Jim Reimer's "Modern Christian Thought" class, 12 Mar 1997
2. Side A: second part of Tolstoy lecture; Side B: 13 Mar 1997 at Toronto Mennonite Theological Centre
3. 13 Mar 1997 at Toronto Mennonite Theological Centre
4. Faculty Forum at Conrad Grebel College, 14 Mar 1997
5. Faculty Forum at Conrad Grebel College, 14 Mar 1997 (con'd)
Note: See also the Toronto Mennonite Theological Centre fonds, XV-61.2/9; Conrad Grebel College Seminars/Lectures, XXVI-7/13.
104. Peter J. Dyck speaking at Toronto United Mennonite Church, 1981
Tapes digitized in .wav and .mp3 format by the Archives in 2015.
1. Berlin exodus: the "great trek". - 1 audio cassette (90 min). - Side 1: The great trek ; Side 2: The great trek youth event
2. The great trek. - 1 audio cassette (90 min). - Side 1: The great trek story youth event ; Side 2: Highlights of the final service.
105. Ontario Mennonite Music Camp concert, 1985
106. "Homosexuality: Church positions and individual experience," Family and Sexualty in Mennonite History conference, Conrad Grebel University College, 12 Oct 2007. - 1 audio cassette (ca. 90 min). - Moderator: Wanda Wagler Martin. Speakers: Priscilla Reimer, Jan Braun, Ed Janzen.
107. Conflict Resolution: A Symposium on Nonviolence, Jan 1975
1. Reflections on Racism. With Frank Epp (participating moderator) Jim Lawson and Gene Sharp,16 Jan 1975
2. World Without War. A keynote presentation by Gene Sharp. Introduction by Walter Klaassen, 15 Jan 1975
3. Canadian Nationalism and Foreign Policy. Opening remarks by Walter Klaassen, Alan Newcombe and Gene Sharp, 16 Jan 1975*
4. The Inner Spirit of Nonviolence. With Roland Fisch, 15 Jan 1975
5. Organizing Nonviolent Action. With Shane Roberts (moderator), Jessica Govea, Jim Lawson and Roland Fisch, 17 Jan 1975
108. Mennonite Church Eastern Canada Fall Delegate Meeting, 26 Oct 1991. - 3 audio cassettes.
109. Installation of Henry Paetkau as president of Conrad Grebel University College, 2003. - 1 audio cassette. - Video recording located in Hist.Mss.
110. "Streng Meidung," by Peter Hoover. - 3 .mp3 audio files (79 min.). - Self-recorded sound files by Peter Hoover talking about his experiences and opinions on the "strict ban" or shunning practiced in some Mennonite communities. Hoover is a descendant ot David Martin and David W. Martin, founders of the Independent Old Order Mennonite Church (David Martin Mennonites). - Donated to the Archives in 2020. - Files located on the Archives' server.
111. Two talks by Frank H. Epp: "Tell it to the coming generations," commemorative service, Altona Mennointe Church, Stouffville, Ontario, 3 Oct 1982; "From chemistry to theology to history," Conrad Grebel College retreat, Silver Lake Mennonite Camp, Hepworth, Ontario, 11 Sept 1982.
112. Wilmer Martin. - 8 cassette tapes. - These tapes were donated to the Archives by Wilmer Martin in 2014. See also Hist.Mss.1.306 Wilmer Martin fonds.
1. Ordination of Wilmer Martin, Cambersburg Mennonite Church, 1964
2. Omar Martin speaking at Tavistock Mennonite Church on "Humility," 1975
3. Wilmer Martin and Don Snyder, Family Enrichment Emphasis, 1978
4. Installation of Wilmer Martin at Erb Street Mennonite Church, 1978
5. Clare and Nora Shantz at Erb Street Mennonite Church, 1981
6. Celebration for Wilmer Martin of 20 years of ministry, Erb Street Mennonite Church, 1984
7. Celebration for Wilmer Martin of 25 years of ministry, Erb Street Mennonite Church, 1989
113. McCaffery, Bernard., Carol Ann. Weaver, Johanna. Zomers, and Tom. McCullough. “To a New Land: A Guided Automobile Adventure through Ontario’s Old Order Mennonite Heartland.” Wilno, Ont: Madawaska Communications, 1996.
114. Brubacher House slide shows, [1984?]. - 3 cassette tapes. - Two tapes with narrator talking about barn raising; one tape with narrator discussing mat making, quilting and weaving. Accompanying slides not found. Note with tapes: "Brubacher House barn raising slide/tape program, discontinued tapes, 1984."
115. Ron Mathies recordings from Mbabane, Swaziland, 1979. - 4 cassette tapes. - Recordings by Ron Mathies during his third Mennonite Central Committee assignment. Gudrun and Ron Mathies were MCC country representatives in Swziland and Mozambique. The tapes were recorded for students and staff at Elmira District Secondary School. Themes include: Mennonite Central Committee teachers, South African refugee students, projects funded by Ontario students, a visit to refugee camps in Mozambique, a visit to a refugee school, general information about Swaziland and Mennonite Central Committee programs. - Additional content notes located with tapes. - Donated to the Archives by Ron Mathies in 2022. - .wav and .mp3 copies have been made by the Archives.
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