Configuration | Suggestions Documentation (2025)


< >Required
[ ]Optional
|Means "or"
botRefers to the Suggestions bot
administratorRefers to a user with the Manage Server or Administrator permission

Note: The placeholder characters < > and [ ] are not required when running commands.

One of the core components of the bot is the fact that the administrators can configure various aspects of the bot to their liking. From the suggestions channel to DM responses, you can take control of your server's experience.

With Discord's slash commands, it's easy to configure the bot with readable and UI-friendly commands and options.

Configuring the bot is really easy. The format goes as:

  • To view the current configuration, run /config get.
  • To view the information of a specific option, run /config get [option]. The bot will give you a list of all available options to choose from.
  • To set a specific option, run /config <option> <value>.

Here is an overview of all the configurable options. Keep scrolling for more information about each option.

Configuration for Suggestions

Suggestions channel: suggestions
Log channel: suggestion_logs
Dm responses: I will DM users on actions such as suggest
Suggestion threads: I will create threads for new suggestions
Keep Logs: Suggestion logs will be kept in your suggestions channel.
Anonymous suggestions: This guild cannot have anonymous suggestions.
Automatic thread archiving: I will automatically archive threads created for suggestions.
Suggestions queue: In use.
Images in suggestions: This guild can have images in suggestions.
Anonymous resolutions: Suggesters are shown who resolved their suggestions.
Using channel queue: This guild uses a channel based suggestions queue.
Queue channel: suggestion-queue
Queue rejection channel: suggestion-queue-logs

Suggestions Channel

Usage: /config get config:Suggestions channel (to view) or /config channel channel:<channel> (to set)

You can either view or set the channel where suggestions will be posted. You will be able to choose from a list of text channels in your server.

Suggestions Logs Channel

Usage: /config get config:Log channel (to view) or /config logs channel:<channel> (to set)

You can either view or set the channel where suggestion results will be posted after a suggestion is approved or denied. The options to pass through follow the same as setting the Suggestions Channel.

DM Responses

Usage: /config get config:Dm responses (to view) or /config dm <enable|disable> (to set)

You can either view if DM responses are enabled/disabled or enable/disable them if you wish.

When disabling DM responses, the bot won't DM the user on these actions:

  • A suggestion is submitted (an ephemeral message will be sent instead)
  • A suggestion is approved
  • A suggestion is rejected

Users are also able to configure their own DM settings using the /dm <enable|disable> command. This allows a user to choose their own preferences. However, they cannot override your server's settings.

This means if you disabled DMs via the /config command, the user will not be able to receive them if they tried to enable them.

Suggestion Thread Channels

Usage: /config get config:Threads for suggestions (to view) or /config thread <enable|disable> (to set)You can either view if thread channels are automatically created or not when a suggestion is submitted or enable/disable the thread from being created.

Bring out Wumpus to meet the fans!Results so far
: 3
: 1
User ID: 158063324699951104 | sID: lrt97z1s
There are no messages in this thread yet.

When approving or rejecting a thread, you can opt to have the thread automatically be archived via the auto archive threads configuration.

Keep Suggestion Logs

Usage: /config get config:Keep logs (to view) or /config keeplogs <enable|disable> (to set)

When enabled, this configuration allows a suggestion to remain in the channel when approved or rejected vs. the bot being deleting the original message and posting the results to the set configuration channel.

Anonymous Suggestions

Usage /config get config:Anonymous suggestions (to view) or /config anonymous <enable|disable> (to set)

When enabled, this configuration allows users to optionally submit a suggestion as anonymous, omitting any of their profile infomation from the suggestion. Read more about this feature here.

Auto Archive Threads

When enabled, this configuration allows the bot to automatically archive suggestions threads when resolved (approved or rejected).

Usage /config get config:Auto archive threads (to view) or /config auto_archive_threads <enable|disable> (to set)

Images In Suggestions

By default, users can attach images to new suggestions. If disabled, submitters will receive a warning that they cannot add images as a Discord attachment.

Usage /config get config:Images in suggestions (to view) or /config images_in_suggestions <enable|disable> (to set)

Anonymous Resolutions

By default, the suggestion displays the staff member who resolved it when approved or rejected. If disabled, "Anonymous" will replace their name. Read more about this feature here.

Usage /config get config:Anonymous resolutions (to view) or /config anonymous_resolutions <enable|disable> (to set)

Suggestion Queue

When enabled, all new suggestions are sent to either a virtual or channel queue for approval. Once a suggestion is approved, it is sent to the set suggestions channel for the public to vote on.

Usage /config get config:Suggestions queue (to view) or /config suggestion_queue <enable|disable> (to set)

Read more about the suggestion queue here.

Queue Channel

You can view or set the channel where queued suggestions will be posted. You can choose from a list of text channels in your server. To use this channel, you must enable the queue channel.

Usage: /config get config:Queue channel (to view) or /config queue_channel <channel> (to set)

Bring out Wumpus to meet the fans!
Queued suggestion | User ID: 158063324699951104
Approve queued suggestionReject queued suggestion

Read more about the suggestion queue here.

Queue Log Channel

You can view, set, or remove the channel where rejected suggestions in the queue are sent. You can choose from a list of text channels in your server. This channel can be unset by omitting the channel:<channel> option.

Usage /config get config:Queue rejection channel (to view) or /config queue_log_channel [channel:<channel>] (to set)

Read more about the suggestion queue here.

Use Channel Queue

This configuration will post queued suggestions to the set suggestions queue channel when enabled. For this to work, you must have a queue channel set with proper permissions. When disabled, you can access a virtual queue with the /queue view command.

Usage: /config get config:Using channel queue (to view) or /config use_channel_queue <enable|disable> (to set)

Read more about the suggestion queue here.

Configuration | Suggestions Documentation (2025)


What is configuration documentation? ›

It is the basis by which changes to any part of an information system are identified, documented, and later tracked through design, development, testing, and final delivery.

How to fix poor documentation? ›

Think of the things that are most vital to your organization. Keep the start set small, correct, and up-to-date. Write down the steps to define each process, and provide the detail your reader/user will need to understand. Remember: strike a balance between clarity and comprehensiveness.

How to write good IT documentation? ›

Following are steps for writing good software technical documentation:
  1. Understand the document's goals and target audience. ...
  2. Write down vital questions. ...
  3. Create an outline. ...
  4. Compile the required data. ...
  5. Compose a draft. ...
  6. Utilise effective documentation visuals. ...
  7. Finalise your editing.
Aug 12, 2022

What is an example of code documentation? ›

Code documentation examples include comments within the code, external documentation such as user manuals, technical specifications, design documents, and internal documents like coding guidelines, standards, and conventions.

How to write a configuration document? ›

You should document configuration changes using a standard format and template, and include relevant information, such as the change request number, the configuration item name and version, the change description and rationale, the change author and date, the change impact and dependencies, the change approval and ...

What is configuration checklist? ›

A software configuration checklist is a document that provides a detailed inventory of all the software components and settings that are required for a software system to function properly.

What is a bad example of documentation? ›

Examples of poor documentation include non-existent or difficult-to-find pages, broken documentation with incorrect or broken links, and inaccurate docs that don't reflect the current state of the product.

What is the root cause of poor documentation? ›

Inadequate documentation is caused by two reasons. First, data are poorly documented because Page 5 data producers are not willing to or are not capable of providing adequate documentation for secondary use. Second, documentation is inherently inadequate due to the nature of tacit knowledge and communication reduction.

What is the proper way to correct a documentation error? ›

Make the correction in a way that preserves the original entry. Draw a single line through the erroneous entry and write the time, date, and your name. Identify the reason for the correction. Include the rationale in your notation; for example, “mistaken entry, wrong medication name written.”

What are the 3 C's of documentation? ›

This situation is often the result of not allowing adequate time for documenting at the planning stage or not starting the documentation task early enough in the project lifecycle. So how does your project or process documentation stack up against the 3 C's of compliance, consistency and completeness?

What are the 4 C's of documentation? ›

I like to refer to these key terms as the 4 Cs: and these Cs stand for "Clear, Concise, Coherent, and Correct. Every effective piece of technical writing should have the characteristics of the 4 Cs.

What are the 6 C's of documentation? ›

Medical assistants should memorize these terms, six C's to maintain accurate patient medical records. Client's Words, Clarity, Completeness, Conciseness, Chronological Order and Confidentiality.

What are the 6 example of documentation? ›

What Are the Types of User Documentation?
  • User Manuals. These comprehensive documents provide detailed information about all product or service aspects. ...
  • Online Help Guides. ...
  • Video Tutorials. ...
  • FAQs. ...
  • Installation/Setup Guides. ...
  • Product Manuals. ...
  • Release Notes. ...
  • Troubleshooting Resources.
Aug 23, 2024

How do you document code professionally? ›

How to Write Documentation for Code
  1. Step 1: Determine your audience. ...
  2. Step 2: Define the documentation's scope. ...
  3. Step 3: Use a standardized structure. ...
  4. Step 4: Write descriptive titles and explanations. ...
  5. Step 5: Document parameters and return values. ...
  6. Step 6: Maintain directness when commenting on your code.
May 15, 2024

What is meant by technical documentation? ›

Technical documentation provides essential information about a product or service to a person or organization in need of it. This information allows all parties to achieve their goals.

What do you mean by configuration information? ›

Configuration information refers to the settings and data that are stored in an application and need to be properly set up in order for the application to function correctly.

What is cm and why is IT important? ›

When properly implemented, configuration management ensures that an organization knows how its technology assets are configured and how those items relate to one another. The CM process seeks to identify and track individual configuration items (CI), and document their functional capabilities and interdependencies.

What is meant by configuration file? ›

A configuration file, often shortened to config file, defines the parameters, options, settings and preferences applied to operating systems (OSes), infrastructure devices and applications in an IT context. Software and hardware devices can be profoundly complex, supporting myriad options and parameters.

What is a purpose of a configuration item record? ›

To provide a record of such information as the history, status, version and variant of each configuration item, and any details of important relationships between them.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.